On Sunday, April 7, 2019, the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, visited St. Martin’s to baptize, confirm, and receive twelve of our members. He met with the candidates before the service to exchange greetings.
As it was our First Sunday Family Worship Service, Bishop Mayer spoke to our children to explain the trappings of a bishop, and explained that a bishop was a shepherd of love. You can watch that here. He then preached a wonderful sermon illustrating that God’s love is the key to our faith. Watch that sermon here.
Led by Bishop Mayer, together we promised to do all in our power to support the candidates in their life in Christ, and we renewed our own baptismal covenant.
After the service, a reception was held for the 3 people baptized and the 10 people who were confirmed or received, and each was given a small gift. Many thanks goes out to our hospitality team including Ann Luttrell, Carol Dorman, and Susan Lowder for hosting the reception, and for the lovely homemade goodies they provided!
The Rt. Rev. Rayford High, assisting bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will visit St. Martin-in-the-Fields for confirmations at our 10:30 am service. Please come and celebrate with the families of our members who will be confirmed, be received, or who will reaffirm their faith! We are delighted to welcome our bishop to our first Sunday family worship, which gets our kids involved and engaged in such special ways.
A reception will follow in the large east parish hall in the school building.
Anyone being confirmed, reaffirmed, or received should plan to be in the chapel in the church office at 9:15 am. Please contact Father Scot McComas, rector@stmartininthefields.org, if you have any questions.