The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth was with us Sunday, November 17, 2013. He celebrated at both our Sunday worship services, gathered with the congregation after both services, and met with the adult Sunday School class and vestry.
During the adult Sunday School class, Bishop High talked on a variety of topics. On the topic of a new rector, he applauded our discerning process in calling a new rector, encouraging us to take our time because it’s the best thing we can be doing. He assured us that he and the Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner, Canon to the Ordinary of the diocese, would continue to work with us to help us find a rector when we decide what we’re looking for, and that the Holy Spirit would lead us. He reminded us how blessed we are by the other clergy who serve us. In Q&A, he answered tough questions about legal matters and the process and timeframe for electing a new bishop. In both those areas, nothing is cut and dried or quick.
He briefly reported on convention, specifically calling our attention to things the diocese needs to be doing to invest in growth: college ministry, latino ministry, and church planting. Bishop High said that he loves traveling around the diocese, and loves how welcoming and diverse our congregations are.
In worship, Bishop High preached and celebrated, and rejoiced with us at the large number of acolytes who were installed.
Bishop High thanked the vestry for their service while meeting with them. The discussion pertained to ways in which the bishop and the diocese could be of assistance during this time of transition.