“Aslan is On the Move” Vacation Bible School (VBS) was an amazing five days filled with exciting discoveries of Jesus’ love for us. The children entered Narnia, a world created by C.S. Lewis in the books “The Chronicles of Narnia,” through the wardrobe and opened their hearts to Aslan, a.k.a.Jesus’ love for them and others. They decorated Aslan t-shirts, crowns, shields, and banners, heard loving Bible stories, played interactive games, and watched the BBC version of “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.” Children were in awe of the professor’s study set that led to Narnia through an actual wardrobe, designed by the hard work of volunteer Aaron DeClerk. Boy Scout Troop 937 and surrounding troops lent a hand with set design while earning merit badges.
Teen crew leaders performed skits on stage as they interacted with the entertaining Professor puppet, played by volunteer Mike Erickson, father of a VBS participant.
This particularly interactive VBS helped children grow to know Jesus while making new friends, strengthening friendships, and serving others. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers, for making this week an incredible success for the children!
Bible points of VBS
- Jesus is the Way
- Follow Jesus
- We will be like Jesus
- Jesus is our Helper.
Outreach Project
VBS families & St. Martin’s church members brought in around 200 bars of soap for our VBS 2019 Outreach Project. These generous donations will contribute to an extreme need for hygiene products at Presbyterian Night Shelter of Fort Worth. Their volunteer coordinators are very grateful to us for contributing – AWESOME job everyone! More soap donations are welcome through Sunday. We will bless the soap, along with hand-crocheted soap-sacks lovingly created by the Prayer Shawl Ministry, at the 10:30 am service. A big thanks to Kathy Wilkinson and all of our Prayer Shawl Ministry members for your hard work “bagging & tagging!”
A volunteer’s perspective
Enjoy some photos of VBS 2019 on Facebook!