The Rev. Annette Mayer begins new ministry as a deacon at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hurst, Texas on September 1, 2016. At St. Stephen’s, Annette will help provide pastoral care and serve in worship.
Annette was assigned to serve at St. Martin-in-the-Fields after her October 22, 2015 ordination to the diaconate. Her roots at our church run deep; she and her husband Don have been at St. Martin’s for 25 years. The impact of her ministry among us has been great. Annette has served on vestry, been a Sunday school teacher, worship leader, lay Eucharistic minister, lay Eucharistic visitor, choir director, stewardship chair, and Stephen Ministries leader. It will be hard for us to say goodbye to Annette, but we can rejoice that St. Stephen’s is only 10 miles away from St. Martin’s!
Annette reflects, “It will be hard to leave my St. Martin’s family, as you have all been so supportive of my ministries and vocation for the last 25 years. You’ve seen our family through good times and some not so good, and you were the village that helped raise our children to be the men they are today. There is no way to thank you enough. I’m definitely looking forward to a new chapter in ministry with St. Stephen’s, but know that there will always be a part of my heart here at St. Martin’s.”
Celebration of ministry on August 14
Please join us as we celebrate Annette’s ministry at St. Martin’s on Sunday, August 14, when we will send her forth with a blessing during our 10:30 am worship. After worship, there will be a reception in the west parish hall. All are invited to wear red to celebrate the fire of the Holy Spirit, as God continues to work in her and through her, and as her ministry takes her to a new location.
Almighty God, we thank you for raising up among us faithful servants for the ministry of your word and sacraments. We pray that Annette may continue to be an effective example in word and action, in love and patience, and in holiness of life. Grant that she, and we, and all your people may serve you well, and always rejoice in your glory. Amen.