As we look to serve our community this season, we invite you to engage with the needs of people served by Texans Can Academy and Union Gospel Mission. Get the details:
Children’s books for Texans Can Academy: now – Dec 16
We are asking for donations of children’s “board” books for ages 3 & under to support parents who attend Texans Can Academy of Ft. Worth, a charter school that aims to give teens a second chance at high school. Children’s books will help them with a new literacy program that encourages young moms & dads to read aloud to their children. We’ll collect board books until December 16, so we can get them to Can Academy in time for Christmas. Bring books with you to church or drop them off during office hours.
Angel Tree – now – Dec. 16
Gifts from our Angel Tree can bring Christmas joy to children at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County who otherwise wouldn’t have as much holiday cheer. Count your blessings, and make it your goal to help a needy child with Angel Tree gifts this year. It’s an easy, three-step process to share this special love:
- Starting December 1, pick a tag from our Angel Tree in the back of the church, and sign the clipboard! Write your name and phone number by that child’s name on the clipboard by the tree.
- Go shopping! Get the new gifts that are listed on your child’s tag. Please buy all of the child’s gifts listed on the tag. Please, no gift cards. Yes, you may buy additional gifts.
- Return the gifts by Sunday, December 16, unwrapped, in a closed trash bag with the original angel tree tag firmly attached. Place your gifts in one of the wrapped large collection boxes in the back of the church near the tree. A roll of wrapping paper would be a great addition!
Questions on the Angel Tree gifts? Please call Anika Rinker in the church office, 817-431-2396 or email
Stocking stuffers for 4 Saints Food Pantry – collection ended Dec. 2
This year we banded together with St. Alban’s and other area churches in our deanery to provide stuffed Christmas stockings for families served by 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry.
Ongoing, year-round support for 4Saints and UGM
Remember, always, our donations matter & help to bring dignity to those who are most in need. We support the needs of 4 Saints Food Pantry and Union Gospel Mission by collecting non-perishable items. Large wooden bins remain in the back of our church to remind you of the needs of people served by these organizations.
Drop these items in the 4 Saints bin:
- Canned beans
- Canned potatoes
- Canned tomatoes (diced, whole, seasoned, etc.)
- Canned fruit
- Boxed cereal
- Hot cereal (oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc.)
- Flour
- Sugar
- Cornmeal
- Cornbread mix
- Canned meat (chicken, tuna, Spam, corned beef, etc.)
- Soups & broth
- Diapers (children & adults, all sizes)
- Dish soap
- Laundry soap
Drop these items in the UGM bin:
- Canned foods
- Non-perishables – rice, beans, pasta
- Toiletries – toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, deodorant, etc.
- Clothes for the season including coats, hats, gloves, scarves, socks
Like so many things in life, there is far more involved in loving and serving others than just things that we buy. At a time of year when Christmas reveals the gift of our God who loves us all, we provide love and hope and intentional, personal support to the poor, struggling, and homeless in our county. Let’s continue in fruitful ways to live out our church’s core value of service – to share the abundance of our resources, talents and love with each other in our community, country and around the world.