Children, families and friends gathered on Sunday, December 2 after the 10:30 worship service, and shared a special afternoon celebrating the first Sunday of Advent.
Lunch and hot cocoa were prepared & served by the Band of Moms, followed by Advent wreath making, ornament decorating, clay making, and gingerbread house building for the Welcome to Bethlehem portion of the celebration. Participants even got to write Jesus’ name in Hebrew! Guests were delighted by music compiled by Brooke Dooley and Nick Ackley’s performance on piano.
Folks shopped beautiful handmade items from Unique Boutique, benefitting St. Martin’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. The soap station was also a huge hit, offering us a chance to stock up on holiday gifts from Soapy Bandito, aka our parish administrator, Anika Rinker.

Enjoy more photos on Flickr; click and swipe through the gallery:


Children’s Minister Liza Goodner and Youth Minister the Rev. Megan Grant want to extend our sincere thanks to all volunteers and participants that helped make this event a success! The celebration of Advent continues this weekend with worship services and Sunday school. See you there!