Flo Lowrey & Glenn Lacy
When I found St. Martin’s in 1978, they were worshiping in a trailer. I am a cradle Episcopalian, but I had not been to church in 30+ years. I was shy, scared, and an alcoholic. There were about 20 people worshiping in the trailer that day; they welcomed me. I received Communion, returned to my chair, knelt and cried. I returned for several weeks and had the same experience. I knew God was doing something really big in my life. I am still here. If you look in the Memorial Garden, you will find where my ashes will be when I die.

St. Martin-in-the-Fields c. 1978
God is patient. I didn’t decide I needed help with my addiction until 1985. I got some literature from AA and began reading but not attending meetings. I knew all along that the path to my sobriety was at my church. I still read my AA literature and other helpful readings from Forward Day By Day and emails from Fr. Richard Rohr.
When Fr. Frank Reeves became our Vicar, he held Communion services on Sunday, Wednesday night, and Friday morning (driving from his home in Fort Worth to have Eucharist service just for him and me.) For several years, I attended Eucharist three times a week.
No one said it was going to be easy. They were right. Sobriety came, one day at a time. Now it’s been 34 years.
I never forgot the welcome I received that day in 1978. Welcoming people to this wonderful place has been my enduring passion.
But this article is about Stewardship. I give my money out of gratitude. I owe my life to God, who welcomed me home when I was lost. I give because everything I have belongs to God, including my life. With the help of Fr. Frank Reeves (who also became my Spiritual Director) and the people at St. Martin’s, I have grown spiritually. I know Jesus Christ as my Creator, Savior, Redeemer and Friend. I serve where needed. I love helping people and welcoming them just as I was welcomed in 1978.
Consecration Sunday
October 20
One Morning Service at 10:30 am followed by
A Complimentary celebration lunch
catered by Spring Creek BBQ
Click here to let us know your attendance plans!