Evie Larimore
My name is Evie Larimore. As a long-time member of St. Martins, I have served on the Vestry, I presented in Godly Play for five years, I became a Stephen Minister here, I served on the Altar Guild, and am presently involved in the email prayer group and am a Lay Eucharistic Visitor.
As a cradle Episcopalian, I have always known that giving was the right thing to do. However, I never fully realized the importance of giving until I taught Sunday School in my church in Dallas. It became very clear to me that I would not be able to do my job for my third graders without the important resources available to me. How could I teach without visuals, papers, books and supplies…items received through giving by the parishioners? Viewed from a practical standpoint, giving allowed me to do God’s work.
As I grew in my faith and spirituality, my understanding broadened. The Christian message that I hear and read over and over again is: “We are all here to help others.” What better way to do that than through the beautiful ministries here at St. Martins. We are dependent on giving hearts to accomplish this call. But, this is not a call from the church. It is a call from God to help his children. That means all of us…because we are all God’s children.
Consecration Sunday
October 20
One Morning Service at 10:30 am followed by
A Complimentary celebration lunch
catered by Spring Creek BBQ
Click here to let us know your attendance plans!