On Sunday April 17, 2016, the Rt. Rev. Sam B Hulsey, assisting bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, visited St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. We experienced a huge growth of ministry as 25 teens and adults made a mature and independent affirmation of their faith, and two children were baptized.
In his sermon, Bishop Hulsey encouraged us to become the Gospel, not to just share, tell, and hold it up and hear it in a worshipful way. We have forgiveness, new life, we are always loved, and we are people of opportunity and possibility no matter what age we are. When we are attentive to the Gospel, we go out and act as if we’ve been touched by it. “Spirituality is messy and untidy, with few straight paths, but we are new creations every day.” Watch or listen to Bishop Hulsey’s encouraging and inspiring words in his sermon.
Led by Bishop Hulsey, together we promised to do all in our power to support the candidates in their life in Christ, and we renewed our own baptismal covenant. Bishop Hulsey blessed the water of baptism, and the Rev. Scot McComas baptized three new members.
With Bishop Hulsey laying on hands and blessing, 11 youth and six adults were confirmed, six adults were received, and two renewed their baptismal vows.
After the service, we honored those who were baptized and who made commitments with a reception. St. Martin’s thanked former Senior Warden Bob Bess for his efforts above and beyond the normal call as a senior lay leader. Bob led St. Martin’s through our rector’s retirement, through our interim rector period, and as we began new ministry with our new rector. Bob was presented a painting by member and artist Shawn Rees as a gift to recognize his service.

Don’t miss the photos of this exciting day; flip through the slideshow below, or click through to view or download high resolution photos.
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