This past Sunday, a little girl “graduated” from the nursery and proudly followed the cross with other children for Summer Chapel at St. Martin’s. As we walked to the school building, we talked about Service Sunday, our sack lunch ministry for Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. The children and teens helped by bringing over supplies and then sat down in the west parish hall to decorate lunch sacks. We talked briefly about Jesus calling us to help our neighbor and that feeding people is important.
Before we started packing lunches, I asked if anyone would like to pray. This sweet little girl piped up and said, “I’ll pray.” She bowed her head and prayed aloud:
God is great.
God is good.
Thank you, Jesus, for our food.
This simple, yet powerful prayer sums up Service Sunday. It’ s about coming together to give thanks to a loving God and responding with abundance. There are so many people that make Service Sunday happen with everyone sharing their gifts. Together, we become the body of Christ.

Learning to “work the assembly line” under the direction of a caring teen. Putting homemade cookies into a plastic bag is fun!

Decorating a special lunch sack!
- Younger children learn from teens.
- Preparing boxes to transport sandwiches.
- A very determined face.
- Working hard.
- Setting up the assembly line.
What are your favorite moments of Service Sunday? Share at