4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry at St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church is open to serve the Meadowbrook area of east Fort Worth.The Meadowbrook area has many low-income families, and hunger is an issue there. This is the only food pantry in the area. St. Martin’s joins St. Alban’s, Arlington and St. Stephen’s, Hurst in our support of this food ministry.

An update about 4Saints from Pam Macy

4Saints feeds an average of 55 families/individuals a week, up from 40 participants back in May. St. Luke’s ‘meadow’ is filling with souls waiting to be fed. Thanks for your enduring support.

This is a typical selection of food that a family might choose from our pantry. We usually have an alternative selection within each group; day-old bread and baked goods, toiletries, etc. George Post from St. Alban’s keeps track of the inventory and orders free and low cost items from Tarrant Area Food Bank. Other food is purchased and milk is an individual’s weekly donation. Our clients’ full carts have the ingredients for many tasty meals and some treats. (George figures out how to have cookies and snacks available.)

To save on cash purchases food donations for which we have a constant need are:

  • baking goods – cornmeal bread mix, flour, oil, sugar,
  • canned vegetables and beans
  • personal and home needs – toiletries, toilet paper, etc.

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