Annual parish meeting on January 29, 2017

The annual parish meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was at 12 pm on January 29, 2017. We shared a delicious, bountiful potluck and fellowship at tables, elected vestry members and diocesan Convention representatives, reviewed the budget, looked back on a year of growth and change, and looked forward toward our future of worshiping and serving God together.
Many thanks to all who prepared for this meeting in committee work and with reports. Thank you to members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew who helped with setup on Saturday. Thank you to all who helped make our potluck a welcoming feast and for the many hands who helped with cleanup and who made the parish hall ready for use by St. Martin’s Episcopal School the next day.
We thanked our outgoing Vestry members Jim Bedell, Elizabeth Mason and Cyndy Sulots for their service and gave them a small token of appreciation. In deep appreciation for the work of outgoing Senior Warden Gil Kleinwechter, the rector presented him with a gift of a Waterford crystal cross.

Vestry and diocesan Convention delegate elections

We filled four open Vestry positions. Nominees were James Bedell, Mary Beth Butler, Adam Jarrett and Linda Seeber, who was nominated from the floor. Our Vestry works to ensure our parish ministry is carried out in accordance with our parish values, mission, goals, and priorities, and according to the constitution and canons of our diocese.
We had six open positions for delegates to the November 10-11 Convention of our diocese to be held in Cleburne. We had six nominees: MaryBeth Butler, Susan Kleinwechter, Becky Snell, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, and Kathy Wilkinson, who was nominated from the floor. All six were elected. We elected Christopher DeClerk, Ann Luttrell, and Delia Schilder as alternates.
Biographies are linked below. Learn more about who can serve on a Vestry and as a Convention delegate here.


We continued our shift toward a paperless meeting to be good stewards of all our resources and to provide materials for download (below). We provided a printed budget summary, nominee biographies, and agendas on each table. All were encouraged to download materials before they came, and links to information were emailed and published on Facebook. View or download each PDF by clicking on its link:


Enjoy photos in this Flickr album or swipe through the photo gallery below.