St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church Annual Meeting 2022
January 29, 2023
The Annual Meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held January 29, 2023, in the church room, following the 9:30 AM service. Prior to the meeting the Rector announced that St. Martin’s is dedicated to saving resources as much as possible. In light of this fact church members are directed to the Annual Meeting booklet on the church website. There are printed copies of the booklet at the end of every pew for those who prefer those. He advised all members to read the reports from the many ministries of St. Martin’s.
A quorum being present the meeting opened at 11:15 AM with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup, Rector, who chaired the meeting.
Election of a Clerk
DJ Mitchell moved Glenda Morehead be elected clerk for the meeting. Mary Anderson seconded the motion and Morehead was elected.
Introduction of Current Vestry Members
Current Vestry members present were introduced and acknowledged by a round of applause. by the parish members present. Those whose terms end today are Bob Garrity, Keen Haynes, Jim McManic and Linda Seeber. Those going off the Vestry were presented with “St. Augustine’s Prayerbook” by the Rector
2023 Vestry Election
The nominees for vestry were selected by the Nominating Committee and were elected by acclamation. Those elected to 3-year terms are the following: Mary Beth Butler, Bryan Hedrick, Elizabeth Jordan, and Richard Seeber. Becky Snell-Bolerjack was elected to serve out the final year of an individual who resigned. All were acknowledged by a round of applause.
2023 Delegate Election
As a congregation in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) St. Martin’s is entitled to 4 delegates to the diocesan Council. Five individuals have been nominated. One of the 5 will be chosen alternate delegate. That selection will be done among those elected. The nominees for delegate were elected by acclamation. They are Christine Gehringer, Keen Haynes, Suzanne Lincoln, Ed McGlaston and Linda Seeber.
Senior Warden’s Remarks
Keen Haynes reminded those in attendance that he was appointed Senior Warden by the Rev Scot McComas who left St. Martin’s to answer the call from another parish. Haynes served during the interim – the search, and selection and call of the Rev. Alan Bentrup. When a new rector comes it is the duty of the senior warden to stay in place to help the new person settle into the job. During his tenure he found the members of St. Martin’s to be even more loving, accepting and willing to work than he had thought. He thanked especially Rebecca and Ronnie for their patience when senior warden duties had to take first place. He plans more family time as he leaves office. He was given a round of applause.
Rector’s Remarks
The Rector reviewed the statistics of services conducted remarking that attendance has risen almost to pre-pandemic levels. He thanked church members for their dedication to help broaden the reach of the church not only nearby but also in giving and working in other places. He stated that as a part of EDOT, St. Martin’s will have access to more assistance than previously. EDOT has a strong curacy program and St. Martin’s has applied to be a part of the program. If selected St. Martin’s could have a curate in place shortly after June. He expressed his personal thanks to everyone for the welcome and support he and his boys continue to receive. He received a round of applause.
Financial Report
DJ Mitchell recommended all read the complete financial reports in the Annual Report booklet. He remarked that in his experience St. Martin’s financial position has never been better. Income has been up, and expenses have been down. The future looks good.
Commissioning of Vestry
The Rector commissioned the Vestry members for the coming year, and the congregation pledged their support.
Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup.
Respectively submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk