St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church Annual Meeting 2016
January 29, 2017
The Annual Meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held January 29, 2017, in the East Parish Hall. The Rector announced there was a quorum present, then opened the meeting with prayer at 12:15 PM.
Election of the Secretary
Gil Kleinwechter moved Glenda Morehead be elected secretary to record the minutes of the meeting. Edith Bartley seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Election of Parliamentarian
Elizabeth Mason moved Glenda Morehead be elected parliamentarian for the meeting. Charles Busey seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Introduction of Current Vestry
Current Vestry members were introduced and acknowledged by a round of applause. Those whose terms end today are Jim Bedell, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason and Cyndy Sulots. The Rector presented the outgoing vestry members with St Martin cards. Deacon Henry Penner explained how St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church works to exemplify the example set by our patron saint. The rector expressed his personal thanks to Gil Kleinwechter for serving as senior warden and presented him with a crystal Waterford cross to show his gratitude. He also expressed his thanks to Linda Snow for her willingness to take on the position of senior warden for the coming year.
2017 Vestry Election
The rector introduced the 3 candidates nominated for the vestry prior to today’s meeting: Jim Bedell, MaryBeth Butler, and Adam Jarrett. One seat remained to be filled. Richard Seeber nominated Linda Seeber to fill the vacant seat. Carol-Lynn Walker seconded the nomination, and the vote to add Linda Seeber to the slate of nominees was favorable. Jim Wilson moved the nominations be closed and the slate elected by acclamation. Sharon Payne seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Introduction of Current Delegates
Those who served as St. Martin’s delegates to diocesan convention during the past year were thanked for their service with a round of applause. They were MaryBeth Butler, Susan Kleinwechter, Rebecca Snell, Linda Snow, Joel Walker, and Nancy Wieden.
2017 Delegate Election
The rector announced that the following individuals have agreed to continue as St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church delegates to diocesan convention: MaryBeth Butler, Susan Kleinwechter, Rebecca Snell, Linda Snow, and Joel Walker. He stated that one more person is needed to complete the full complement of six delegates from St. Martin’s. Linda Snow moved Kathy Wilkinson be added to the slate of nominees for delegate. Susan Kleinwechter seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Christopher Mullaney moved the nominations be closed and the slate elected by acclamation. Joy Malmgren seconded the motion and the slate was elected.
Election of Alternate Delegates
The Rector asked for volunteers willing to serve as alternate delegates for 2017. The following persons volunteered: Christopher DeClerk, Delia Schilder, and Ann Luttrell. There being no more volunteers to come forward Sharon Payne moved the slate of volunteers be elected as alternate delegates for 2017. Jim Bedell seconded the motion and the slate was elected.
Rector’s Report
The Rector’s report was projected on the wall screen, and he highlighted parts of it. He had presented his report at every worship service this weekend, to ensure that even those not attending the meeting today would have the opportunity to receive it in person.
He also highlighted portions of the school report. He thanked Gary Wilkinson, chair, and all members of the school board and the staff of the school for their efforts on behalf of the school. He announced that parish members will have another opportunity to show their support of the school by participating in the Bingo Night School Fundraiser which will be held on April 29 beginning at 6 PM.
He thanked Corrie Cabes and Amy Pirk and all volunteers who work with the youth and children of our parish. He also thanked all the staff and clergy who serve the people of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in so many ways.
Senior Warden’s Report
Senior Warden Gil Kleinwechter highlighted some aspects of his projected report. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve St. Martin’s as senior warden, and thanked all those who have been helpful to him in his work.
Junior Wardens Report
Junior Warden Charles Busey highlighted portions of his report and thanked all those – professional and volunteer – who have participated in the repair and maintenance of our buildings and their contents and our surrounding grounds.
Financial Report
Treasurer DJ Mitchell, aided by his projected reports, went over the financials for 2016.He reviewed the budget for 2017 which has been approved by the vestry. The budget shows a slight deficit, and he reminded all present of the “social contract” they have as members of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church – to support her as much as they can, according to their ability to contribute financially, whether by a pledge or by non pledge giving. Members were reminded also of the importance of their contributing time and talents according to their ability.
The Rector thanked DJ Mitchell, Sue Mitchell and Financial Manager Kristen Kosla for their financial work on behalf of St. Martin’s. The treasurer stated they couldn’t do their work without the volunteers who provide the information to them: Vestry members who count the collection after services, the weekday counters and Marty Hitchcock who records the income in the church management program.
Announcements and Final Remarks
Reports and Minutes on the Website: Parishioners were referred to all Annual Meeting reports for today which are published on the church website. Annual Meeting minutes will be published on the website after their approval by the vestry at their meeting on February 19, 2017. In answer to a question as to where minutes are found on the website, Communications Director Susan Kleinwechter announced they can be found under the “Resources” heading.
Vestry Meets: The vestry will meet in the Godly Play room immediately following this meeting.
Next Annual Meeting: The next Annual Meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church will be held on January 28, 2018.
Closing Prayer
The meeting closed with prayer by the Rector at 1:16 PM
Respectively submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Secretary