Gifts from our Angel Tree can bring Christmas joy to children at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County who otherwise wouldn’t have as much holiday cheer. Give with your heart, and make it your goal to help disadvantaged children with Angel Tree gifts this year. It’s an easy, three-step process to share this special love:
- Pick a tag from our Angel Tree in the back of the church.
- Go shopping! Get the new gifts that are listed on your child’s tag. Please buy all of the child’s gifts listed on the tag. Please, no gift cards. Yes, you may buy additional gifts!
- Return the gifts by Sunday, December 22, wrapped with the original angel tree tag firmly attached. Place your gifts in one of the large collection boxes in the back of the church. If you need to drop off to the office, please call 817-431-2396 or email
Our congregation will bless these gifts and pray for the recipients at our 10:30 am worship service on December 17.
Like so many things in life, there is far more involved in Angel Tree gifts than just things that we buy. At a time of year when Christmas reveals the gift of our God who loves us all, we provide love and hope and intentional, personal support to the poor and homeless in our county. Let’s continue in fruitful ways to live out our church’s core value of service – to share the abundance of our resources, talents and love with each other in our community, country and around the world.
Questions on the Angel Tree gifts? Please email Linda Seeber at