We had a great crowd and an excellent response to our Consecration Sunday with over 170 people in worship and the luncheon that followed. Sixty-eight households pledged $268,800 for God’s work through St. Martin’s in the coming year. We are heartened that 20 of those pledges were new and 34 reflected increases in giving.
If you have not already responded, could you help us to complete this stewardship campaign by returning your estimate of giving card this week, either by mail, online, or at one of our services? And please consider growing at least one step toward a tithe.
You can pledge online at stmartin.breezechms.com/form/pledge-2020. If you need any help, please contact the church office at 817-431-2396 or stmartin@stmartininthefields.org.
We appreciate your help in bringing this significant program to a good conclusion.
Very Sincerely,
The Stewardship Committee