Judy Upham

Adjunct Clergy



The Rev. Judith Upham is a retired Episcopal priest with over 40 years of ordained ministry. She continues to preach, teach, and share the sacraments with those in our community.

Judy graduated from Episcopal Theological School (now Episcopal Divinity School) in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1967, was ordained a deacon December 6, 1975 and a priest on January 6, 1977. Her ordination as a deacon and her ordination as a priest were at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis Missouri; she was the first woman ordained there.

Judy has lived and served through interesting times, with intersections of her ministry and the larger work of the church. Ask her about her civil rights work. Ask her about how her ministry emerged and changed as the church grappled with the role of women in church governance, lay ministry, and ordained ministry. Ask her about other ways that she, in her ministry, has worked to reveal that God’s love is for all people and that the work of the church is open to all people.