Vestry minutes – December 13, 2015 meeting

December 13, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Charles Busey, Jack Bolerjack, Pat Hollifield, Gil Kleinwechter, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk.
Not present: Annette Duff.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, December 13, 2015, at 12:30 PM in the West Parish Hall.  The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
Approval of Minutes
Gregory Anderson moved the minutes of the November 15 meeting be approved as distributed. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Outreach End-of Year Askings Approved
Joy Malmgren presented the request from the Outreach Committee for the distribution of funds from the outreach budget line. DJ Mitchell moved the distribution be approved as requested. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the distribution was approved.
Treasurer’s Report and Funds Created
Financials Approved: Treasurer DJ Mitchell reviewed the financial reports, and explained all the corrections that have been required.  (See attached.)  Jim Wilson moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.  Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion, and the financials were approved. Mitchell stated that a manual will be written so that such problems as those he outlined should be avoided in the future.
Name Tag Fund: Courtney Mullaney moved the vestry approve acceptance of gifts for a Name Tag Fund and that the funds be drawn down as needed. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the Fund was approved.
Bread and Wine Fund: DJ Mitchell moved the vestry establish a Bread and Wine Fund which would function much as the Flower Fund functions, with information regarding contributions made being printed in the service bulletins. Elizabeth Mason seconded the motion and the fund is established.
Investment Committee
DJ Mitchell moved the vestry approve the investment plan offered at the last vestry meeting. Jack Bolerjack seconded the motion and the investment plan was adopted.
Gil Kleinwechter reported that as of the end of the week 128 pledges had been received totaling $434,938.00. 39 of the pledges are from new pledgers. Four more pledge cards came in today.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The rector reported that things are going very well with about 75 students currently attending. The school Christmas Pageant will take place at 9:15 AM on December 18, and everyone is invited to attend. School closes that day for the holidays and reopens January 5, 2016.
Diocesan Information
Joel Walker reported that the Standing Committee met Monday. The diocese will not tell parishes what decision to make regarding the open carry law that goes into effect in January, but rectors must report back to the bishop by March 1. The bishop reiterated his call that rectors have a discussion with their vestries on the subject of same sex marriages.
Junior Wardens’ Reports
Possible Dishwasher Repair: The dishwasher in the small kitchen may be in need of repair, but further information is needed…
Tree Removal and Gutter Check:  When the trees along the south side of the education building were removed, the tree service workers arrived at 7 AM and were gone by 11:30 AM leaving no sign that the trees had ever been there or that the work had been done. Check of the gutters after the recent storms revealed no leaves or debris.
Roof Leaks: The roof leaks continue and the person responsible for the repair under warranty continues to be unresponsive. Don Sulots will be asked to contact the owner of the company to get the issue resolved.
Cellular Tower Proposal: A proposal has been received from Vertex Development, LLC, to install a cellular tower on our property. Whereas the proposed agreement appears to be a good source of revenue for St. Martin’s, there are a number of questions that must be resolved. DJ Mitchell will refer the proposed contract to an attorney to see if it is a good lease, to see if the tower can be moved, if the lease can be revised and to see if various desired revisions can be made. Any construction would need to go through the necessary zoning process which can take as long as nine months. Consideration of the matter will be postponed until more information is available.
Water Usage: The water bills continue to rise. Gregory Anderson will continue to monitor the usage. There may be a leak in the lines.
Monument Lighted: Neil Rinker has repaired the light on the monument sign at the front of our property.
The Jr. Wardens received a round of thanks for all they do to keep our building and grounds in good condition.
Senior Warden’s Report
Conversation with Constance Smith: Constance Smith of Fever has contacted the senior warden saying that some supporters of Fever are looking for some place to make large donations to a non-profit organization. He will keep the vestry updated as further information comes to him.
Procedures for Emergencies during Services: Recent emergencies with parishioners during services have made it clear that guidelines are needed for action when such things occur. The vestry will devise the guidelines, and the senior warden will ensure that they are provided to all concerned.
Rector’s Report
Clergy on Staff: The rector asks the help of vestry members to make clear that although the Rev Lauren Gough and the Rev Judith Upham serve at the altar, preach, teach and fulfill other priestly roles at St. Martin’s, they refuse to accept any compensation for their services. Since no deacons receive compensation, the deacons who serve St. Martin’s – the Rev. Henry Penner and the Rev. Annette Mayer receive no compensation for their services. Clarification of these facts will be shown in the treasurer’s report at the Annual Meeting.
Financial Manager Increase: DJ Mitchell moved the compensation for the Financial Manage be increased to $25.00 per hour for 19 hours per week in 2016. Gil Kleinwechter seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Children and Youth Ministers:  Corrie Cabes, Children and Youth Minister has asked that her job be split into two positions. She herself feels called to the ministry with youth grades 6 through 12, and would like another person brought on to serve children  4 years of age through fifth grade. Cabes plans to continue as school chaplain. Gil Kleinwechter moved the vestry authorize the position of Youth Minister at 20 hours per week and the position of Children’s Minister at 15 hours per week. Jim Wilson seconded the motion, and the positions were authorized. Gregory Anderson moved the vestry direct the finance committee to include the cost of the positions in the 2016 budget. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Outreach Committee Chair: The rector announced that he is the new chair of the Outreach Committee. The committee will meet monthly on first Sunday at 12:30 PM.
Texas Open Carry Law: All parishes must report back to the diocese by March 1, 2016, how they plan to respond to the new gun rules. Christopher Mullaney will be asked to provide a professional opinion at the called meeting January 17, 2016.
Same Sex Marriages and Blessings: The rector’s conversation with the vestry continued.
Staff Bonuses and Recognition
The vestry discussed the matter of year end recognition for the paid and unpaid staff of St. Martin’s. Gregory Anderson moved each member of the paid staff – Scot McComas, Susan Slaughter, Anika Barbarito, Corrie Cabes, Susan Brishke, Christi Hardy and the three members of the nursery staff –receive a Christmas bonus of $100.00. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Elizabeth Mason moved the vestry set up a volunteer appreciation dinner for all volunteer clergy and staff. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion, and the motion carried. No date was set for the dinner.
Resolution re Eagle Scout Project
Gregory Anderson moved the vestry adopt the following resolution on behalf of the parish:
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church wishes to thank Jacob Tiemann and his family for the recent completion of his Eagle Scout Project on behalf of our church. His project enlarged and changed the dimensions of our Outdoor Worship Area.
DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the resolution was adopted.
Vote to Remove Authorized Signers from Baird Account
Jim Wilson moved that Robert Bess (previous Senior Warden) and Douglas Watson (previous Treasurer) be removed as persons authorized to authorize changes on the R. W. Baird account.  Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Vote to Add Authorized Signers to the Baird Account
Elizabeth Mason moved that Gil Kleinwechter, Senior Warden and Sue Mitchell be added as persons authorized to authorize changes on the R. W. Baird account, and that DJ Mitchell, Interim Treasurer continue as a person authorized to make changes. Baird shall obtain authorization from at least two of these persons before making any changes. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Resolution re 2016 Rector’s Housing Allowance
Jim Wilson moved the adoption of the following resolution:
Whereas the Reverend Scot McComas, an ordained minister, is employed to serve St.-Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church as Rector; and
Whereas St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church does not provide a residence for its appointed ministers:
It is hereby resolved that the compensation to be paid to the Rev. Scot McComas for the calendar year 2016, and subsequent years unless amended, shall include an annual payment of $33,000.00, which is designated as housing allowance, within the meaning of the term as used in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the resolution was adopted.
Resolution re 2016 Assistant Clergy Housing Allowance
Gregory Anderson moved the adoption of the following resolution:
Whereas the Reverend Susan Slaughter, an ordained minister, is employed to serve St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church as an Assistant Clergy; and
Whereas St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church does not provide a residence for its appointed ministers:
It is hereby resolved that the compensation to be paid to the Rev. Susan Slaughter for the calendar year 2016, and subsequent years unless amended, shall include an annual payment of $18,000.00, which is designated as housing allowance, within the meaning of the term as used in Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion, and the resolution was adopted.
Closing Prayer and Adjournment
Elizabeth Mason gave the closing prayer.
Gregory Anderson moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead
Please note:  called vestry meeting Sunday, january 17, 12:30 PM, East parish Hall.

Request for Approval of Outreach Funds

  • Union Gospel Mission funds, 3rd quarter and 4th quarter: $333
  • Meals on Wheels funds, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter and 4th quarter: $667
  • Presbyterian Night Shelter, 3rd quarter and 4th quarter: $333
  • Saint Luke’s Food Pantry (The pantry donation may need to go through Saint Lukes until the Food pantry is incorporated.): $500
  • Presbyterian Night Shelter sponsoring a room in a new women & childrens unit opening in 2016: $500
  • Episcopal Relief & Development: $1,000
  • Boys & Girls Club on IM Terrill Way for purchase of DVD player and learning tablets: $625
  • Union Gospel Mission for cost of Children’s Castle from Outreach Funds: $500
  • December, 2015 purchase of bananas for Service Sunday: $22.75
  • Remaining funds for 2015:  $3163.42
  • Total requests for expenditure: $3147.75

Respectfully submitted,
Joy Malmgren
Outreach Committee