Vestry minutes – April 19, 2015 meeting

April 19, 2015
Present: Gregory Anderson, Bob Bess, Jack Bolerjack, Charles Busey, Annette Duff, Pat Hollifield, Elizabeth Mason, DJ Mitchell, Courtney Mullaney, Cyndy Sulots, Jim Wilson; the Rev Scot McComas, Rector; Glenda Morehead, Clerk; Doug Watson, Treasurer.
Not present: Gil Kleinwechter.
A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, April 19, 2015, at 12:30 PM in the East Parish Hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rector.
DJ Mitchell moved that the minutes of the March 15, 2015, meeting be approved as distributed. Jim Wilson seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer reviewed the monthly financial reports. (See attached.) DJ Mitchell moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Gregory Anderson seconded the motion and the report was accepted. It was reported that newcomers to St. Martin’s have given a total of over $4,000.00 year to date. The treasurer agreed to change the budget line “Helping Hands” to “Deficit Recovery” to more clearly define the figure.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee presented a list of persons recommended by the committee as the signers on all church financial accounts. Gregory Anderson moved the list of signers recommended by the Finance Committee be approved by the Vestry. Cyndy Sulots seconded the motion and the list was approved.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The written report of Karrie Marling, board chair, is attached and made a part of these minutes. Four kindergarten students are registered for the fall term. There has been favorable response to the request for volunteers for the reading program – there at least four volunteers available for each day. The Rector has appointed Chris Mullaney to the School Board.
Christian Education Reports
The written report of Corrie Cabes, Children and Youth Minister, is attached and made a part of these minutes. The Rector stated that both the NA and ALANON groups will be meeting off-site during VBS. Thirteen kids took part in the Youth Retreat. There will be around 20 persons baptized, confirmed, received, or renewing vows at the 10:30 service next Sunday when the bishop comes.
Communications Committee
Susan Kleinwechter’s written report is attached and made a part of these minutes. Annette Duff announced that the facebook ads cost $20 and received 3262 “hits.” The committee plans to make use of the same kind of ads for the school. The committee is working with the school to provide the correct wording for the necessary signage for the playground. The Rector has appointed Carl Snow to the Communications Committee.
Newcomers’ Party
Flo Lowrey written wrap-up of the Newcomers’ Party is attached and made a part of these minutes. More than 90 people total attended the event. Baskets were available on the tables to help defray the costs of the evening, and over $300 was collected.
Grow the Church Ministry
Elizabeth Mason announced that the committee met last Sunday to plan small group meetings, and the meetings have begun. “Zip Code Parties” are being held in all areas of St. Martin’s membership. These gatherings provide the opportunity for members or persons interested in or curious about St. Martin’s to share a light meal, have fellowship and meet the new Rector. Attendance has been gratifying for the most part. The committee will meet May 17 to assess the success of the events.
Diocesan Information
The report of the diocesan standing committee announcing the nomination of the Rt Rev J Scott Mayer as provisional bishop and the letter of the Rt Rev Rayford High, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, announcing a special convention on May 16 to elect his successor are attached and made a part of these minutes. Joel Walker, a member of the Standing Committee, gave background on both, stating that Bishop High will remain in the diocese and be available to help his successor when needed. A reception to meet the candidate for provisional bishop will be held May 15 5 – 6:30 PM at St. Christopher.
Eagle Scout Project Update
DJ Mitchell announced that Nicholas Chasteler has completed the steps necessary for his Eagle Scout Project, and has presented to the church all the necessary documentation. The Financial Manager has been notified to issue a check to him for $125.00 as reimbursement of a portion of the costs of the project.
Outdoor Property Monitoring
DJ Mitchell has checked with Henry Penner, insurance advisor, who has stated that increased outdoor monitoring will not result in lower insurance costs for the church.
Junior Warden’s Report
New Stove:
Jr. Warden Charles Busey provided photos and information on the kitchen stove he has found that fits our needs best (see attached). Gregory Anderson moved the Vestry approve replacement of the current stove with two stoves as recommended by the Jr. Warden with electrical connection installed as needed. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. DJ Mitchell has provided the Jr. Warden with a list of companies who might be interested in purchasing the current stove.
Spring Cleaning Scheduled: A spring cleaning of all church buildings was set for May 3.
Changes in Storage: Beginning in early August heavier usage of the buildings will require changes in storage needs. The needs will be assessed and possible solutions will be determined. The Vestry will revisit the matter at the August Vestry meeting.
Senior Warden’s Report
Investment Committee:
The Finance Committee has agreed that an Investment Committee needs to be formed to study the best options for church investments and to assist contributors in planning their trusts or bequests to the church.
Rector’s Report
Service Attendance April 18 and 19:
Saturday 5 PM 27, Sunday 8:30 AM 23, 10:30 AM 190.
Transition: He and the Transition Committee continue to meet each month and he is grateful for their help and advice.
Celebration of New Ministry: The Rt. Rev. Rayford High will install the Rev. Scot McComas as Rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church on Saturday, May 30, 2015, at 11 AM.
School Fundraiser: Vestry members were reminded that the school is still short $12,000.00, and as a part of accepting that fact when approving the budget, the Vestry acknowledged the need for periodic fundraisers to benefit the school. The first will be Saturday, May 16 from, 6-9 PM in the East Parish Hall. He asked each person at the table to make a cash donation and to bring in at least one donation from local businesses. Dinner will be provided, and a cash bar will be available. Large-ticket items will be auctioned off and smaller value items will be used in a Silent Auction or raffles.
Update on Classroom Flooding: Recent torrential rains have caused damage to some of the classrooms in the education building. Restoration people have been brought in. Mold has been detected and steps are being taken to correct the problem. The 4 classrooms in question will be off limits to all persons for the rest of the school year. The children of our school and parish have no access to the areas of possible contamination, and they remain safe. Proposals and bids for regular maintenance and cleaning of gutters, etc will be sought, as will proposals and bids for possible additional features to prevent future occurrences of such problems.
Church Financial Approach: The Rector wants St. Martin’s to change the longtime “band-aid” approach to church finances – budgeting for only what is vital to today. It is important to project an image of moving forward, taking the steps necessary to do so.
Energy Audit: He is calling in an expert to do an energy audit and provide recommendations on ways to save on energy, thereby reducing energy costs.
Volunteer Information
The name change from Green Team to Holy Mowers for those volunteering to mow our grounds has brought forward more volunteers to do the job. The call today for more volunteers to bake bread for newcomers produced 6 new volunteers.
The meeting closed with prayer by Gregory Anderson. Courtney Mullaney moved the meeting adjourn. The motion was seconded by Gregory Anderson, and the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Morehead

St. Martin’s Episcopal School – Report from Board Chair

I am pleased to report that things are going well at the school.  Registration for the Fall is underway.  Perspective students for the Fall consist of both new and returning families.
We have 19 4 year old students graduating in May.
There will be a fundraising event held on May 16th.  Volunteers from the Church and school are working together to prepare for the event.  Dinner will be served that evening, and an auction of donated items will be held.
Karrie Marling

Children and Youth Minister/School Chaplain Report April 2015

Service Sundays Stats (Lunches Made/Delivered to Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant)
Service Sunday Planning Meeting
Service Sunday has been growing with the help of committed members, Roanoke Lion’s club and newcomers. Look for a meeting on May 3 to plan the expansion of this ministry serving the homeless who find refuge and healing at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
Wednesday night meetings are going strong. Teens are invited for fun, prayer and fellowship each Wednesday night from 7-8pm in the EYC room. In the summer months, teens will be invited to join in Mass on the Grass at 6pm on Wednesday nights, an informal summer worship experience where teens are an integral part of the service. It’s a great opportunity for youth to be involved in ministry, serving side by side with clergy and lay ministers. After the service, all are invited to stay for a picnic dinner and fellowship.
A Few Highlights:
• EYC will continue to meet on every second Sunday for Service Sunday (sack lunches for UGM). Teens meet on the fourth Sunday for Sunday Funday, a time for fun and fellowship.
• A youth confirmation retreat for 6th-12th graders is scheduled for April 17-18 off campus. This retreat is an intensive spiritual experience, seeking to prepare youth for the next step in their journey of faith. It’s exciting to partner with the youth at the Episcopal church of the Redeemer in Irving. Bishop High will visit on April 26 at the 10:30am service for youth and adult confirmation.
Sunday School
Nursery, children and teens are trekking through the New Testament this spring at St. Martin’s. Children will learn about Jesus’ life and ministry with exciting, hands-on curriculum.
• Sunday school will end on May 17 with Fun Faith Field Day, celebrating a year of formation, fellowship and more. Children and teens will have a great time with relay races, popsicles and wacky fun. The excitement starts early at 10:00am in the fields by the church building.
• Graduation weekend seeks to honor all graduates at the 5pm Saturday service on May 16 and the 8:30 and 10:30am service on May 17.
• Children’s chapel begins on May 24 and will run through the summer months. Children and teens are invited to follow the cross after the Gospel procession for a children’s sermon, liturgy and lots of fun activities. Teens are invited to serve as chaplains leading small group discussions.
St. Martin’s Episcopal School Chaplain Minute
The students at St. Martin’s are learning short prayers and a children’s creed during weekly chapel services. We are celebrating spring with releasing butterflies, gazing on goose eggs, celebrating Pentecost with flaming prayers and preparing for graduation with new songs and prayers. St. Martin’s students are creating a labyrinth with canned goods, walking the labyrinth and praying for those who are hungry. The students are beginning to understand that caring for others is part of Jesus’ call to each of us.
Lava Lava Island: Our 2015 VBS Theme
This year, we are offering a very exciting Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children ages 4-5th grade! Join us for a tropical adventure on June 23-25, from 6-8:30 pm. It’s three days of island fun, Bible truths and soccer! We will close this incredible experience with a VBS worship service on Saturday, June 27 at 5 pm in the church sanctuary with all the songs and prayers the children will learn at Vacation Bible School.
Lava Lava Luau
All are invited to wrap up Vacation Bible School with a luau dinner and a movie in the education building after the closing worship service on Saturday, June 27. Fun tropical food and a Chadder (VBS’s official mascot) movie theater experience awaits.
Corrie Cabes