The Panther family surprised the children at Sunday school recently with a “momma” goat and her two baby goats!  The children were so excited to get a chance to see live goats, pet them and feed them a carrot or two!
Olivia Goat Pic
The goats came for a visit to St. Martin’s as part of the Heifer project.  This project, led by Ebun Omoniyi,  Ife Omoniyi and Tayo Omoniyi has raised over $1500.  With the encouragement of Aubrey Hardman, Stewardship chair and teen Sunday school teacher, these teens accomplished a lot.  Sunday School Goat pic 2
The teens spoke about the project and how the money raised helps people by giving them farm animals, like the goats.  The children brainstormed ways that a goat could provide soap, milk and cheese that could feed a family and could be sold to help that family build a stronger and self-sustaining future.  The children were excited about this project and are looking forward to being a part of such a worthy cause next year.
Goat Pic 4
Many thanks should go to the Omoniyi teens, the Panther family and those who supported this project. Great pictures of the goats visiting Sunday school were taken by Gil Kleinwechter.