Holy Week has come and gone, with its dramatic retelling of events and stories of faith. Easter Day has come and gone, with its celebrations and faithful rejoicing. Alleluia!
Thank you to everyone involved who made our Holy Week and Easter celebrations so meaningful! We especially thank the Holy Mowers and Memorial Garden teams, the Altar Guild, the Flower Guild, Choir, Ushers, Greeters, Acolytes, Vergers, Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, hospitality crews, Sunday School teachers and leaders, and the office angels who folded all the bulletins and the Easter letter.
We want to give thanks to people who went out of their way in their efforts in new directions. Deacon Diana LaCrosse went out of her way to sing the Exsultet at the Great Vigil. Jim Bedell worked many hours preparing our music for all our worship times. Christopher and Aaron DeClerk and Nancy Wieden organized food and beverages that made our Easter outside gatherings fun and social. Chris & Jim Weiler-Allen loaned us a Coptic processional cross at the Great Vigil and on Easter.
Thank goodness we celebrate Easter for seven weeks! This extended Eastertide invites us to reflect and seek transformation in a way that we just can’t on a single, busy Easter Day. As we continue to celebrate Easter, we keep in mind that as “resurrection people” we are called to live transformed by Jesus.
How will you seek Easter transformation at church and in your spiritual life? How will you live in the power of the resurrection, inviting Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your life? How will you actively engage with God anew? This is what Easter calls us each to do so that we may live transformed.
Do you want to try something new-to-you or re-engage with something at St. Martin’s?

Any of our ministries may help you grow and engage with God’s work.
As we look forward to what’s in store, and look back on Holy Week, we invite you to view photos of our activities. See the faces of our sisters and brothers, of friends, family, and guests that shared our worship and experienced the week with us. We are the people who are called to community at this place, and who are called to be transformed.
To see photos, click on any photo or link below and swipe through the galleries.
Good Friday Family Worship photos


Photos of the Great Vigil & Jack Heckel’s installation as a verger


Easter photos
